The Silk Mill

Birth of the Industrial Revolution, John Lombes, Derby. 1721

This pin is dedicated to the women and children who worked in what is now known as the world’s first factory as Silk Twisters, Silk Drawers, Silk Throwers/Throwsters, Silk Piecers, Silk Dressers, Silk Dyers, Silkers, Silk Doublers and Bobbin Net Makers

Weavers lament

From here the texture in our textiles
stretched around the world.

When embroidered
and beforehand –

woven slowly – by women –
they’d weave it in stories.

Mythologies, as intricate
as their own involved minds.

Poem by Geoffrey Mann


The team at Horizons Sixth Form created artistic impressions from the hey-day of the Silk Mill using a mix of traditional painting and digital art techniques.

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